green with envy

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

here we go again...

here we go again...
So, I can't seem to stay away from a blog in one for or another for too terribly long. I inadvertently trespassed on my WP blog by posting links to businesses that were offering giveaways. *tsk, tsk* How else was I supposed to not win anything?!!?

Ah well, so here I am again... on Blogger again. My goo'niss, how many years has it been since I had a Blogger blog?? Sheesh... too many to remember!

And what is the purpose of this blog you ask? I have no clue at the moment. Just to ramble and sort things out, I suppose. I think maybe I'll use this to keep track of my medical misadventures and my new crazy notion of doing P90X. The hubby is doing it too, which is the only reason I've stuck with it this long. We're at Phase II already and I'm kinda irritated that I've not seen a whole lot of difference other than possibly some toning. I mean, my clothes are starting to feel looser but no weight loss to speak of. But seriously, I'll take it. Anything will be an improvement!

Alas, it's Wednesday and after 4:00 pm, so I have to get myself to church and take an accounting of all the children at youth tonight so this blogging business will have to wait.
