We're remodeling, people. And everything is in total disarray! I HATE it when things are like this! Not that it wasn't bad before because I'd let two rooms in my house get COMPLETELY out of hand... Corey's old bedroom had become a pile of STUFF. Tommy's aunt had come down for a couple weeks and decided to get in there and "organize" for me, bless her heart. She can work circles around me, but after she had been in there, I couldn't find a daggone thing!! Argh! Add to that the way people would just toss stuff in there, or tell me, "Put it in the back room & I'll take it up to the attic later." Yeah, whatever! *sigh*
And the living room?? Oh. My. Goo'niss!! It was a gom, too, only not quite to the extent of the bedroom. I'd originally started using it as a sort of 'craft room', but that soon got overwhelmed by piles. My arch enemy, Piles. I hate 'em, but my life can sometimes revolve around them, too. I use Piles to organize sometimes... sort of. *shrugs* There was my big computer desk that fell out of use after getting my laptop a couple years ago. There was the small computer desk that we'd bought after Tommy brought home an old junky computer from work and trying desperately to use it. There were the two bookcases full of miscellaneous books...reference books, Bible study books, readers the kids had used or planned to, some textbooks that had never found a new home after homeschooling was over. *sigh* Then there was the tall 4-drawer file cabinet that holds a TON of recipes printed from the internet, various "office" type supplies, a drawer full of information from an almost-business Tommy had for awhile and the drawer with all my insulin pump supplies.
I do have to say that after over a week of hauling stuff... almost everything... out to the shop to be sorted, and lots of cleaning, painting, cleaning, touch up, cleaning... the living room is once again a living room!! Mom gave me her "formal" living room furniture. A nice cherry set of Queen Ann style stuff and it now looks so nice. I've never had a full room of furniture that all went together! :D
After moving the furniture around a bazillion times, we finally got it to fit and look decent, though we had to send the sofa/hall table back to Mom's because there was simply no room for it. *sigh* She wanted to use it anyway, so it's all good. I'm really thrilled with it. Just gotta get some decor going on and it'll be perfect! :)
Now we've moved on to Corey's old room. We moved the big computer desk and file cabinet in there because, well the file cabinet has my medical stuff in it and the desk has our current files in it, so... and we're keeping them in the house anyway... just had to get them out of the family room! I wish I'd taken a picture of how stuffed it was, but that was just totally terrifying! But here's where we are now:
We're replacing three windows since the seal is broken and there's constant condensation in them... resulting in messes like THIS! GROSS!! That black spot is actually a hole that's rotted away! This room had a lot of mold in it, too. GASP!!! o.O
So today, I'm gonna work on painting all the trim and hopefully get around to cutting in the wall. I can't wait to see how the soft mossy green color looks. Really, this was the most uniquely decorated room in the house at one time. I SO wish I'd taken a pic of it before we demolished the beautiful border. It had lots of blue, both for sky (the color of the top of walls) and a darker blue trimmed top & bottom with primitive 'gold' stars. The motif was a New England sea side village, but in a more primitive style... not at all "polished" looking, but a bit more blocky. It was adorable, but not childish, ya know? Anyhow, I was thrilled with the way it turned out & even after it was dingy and there were MANY "boo boos" in the walls from years of a boy growing up in it, Corey didn't want me to paint it when I offered about five years ago. *sigh* So... we'll see.
I'm not sure yet if I want to use this as my craft room/office or as the spare bedroom. Mom has a twin bed with a chest she is giving me, but we'd rather have a full sized bed for guests.
Mom's first reaction to this was to ask when we'd ever had any guests.
Well, for her information *hands on hips* we DID have a couple of Tommy's cousins stay here back when his grandma died. The boys bunked together in Corey's room and we gave them Casey's full sized bed for the night.
And besides, once we "get Casey outta here" *deep shuddering breath* and all this painting done, we just might have us a guest or two! Hmph!
Anyhow, we're unsure of how this room will be used just yet, but either way, the walls will be fixed and it'll have a fresh coat of paint, top to bottom! We're going to try to see how well the carpet will clean, but if it doesn't clean up enough, we'll replace the flooring, too.
So, that's what I've been up to. We still have three more rooms to tackle. The family room is getting a major overhaul, and the kitchen is getting new paint because, well, it just needs it, plus when they were putting on the roof for the new porch, they damaged the wall board, so might as well paint, right!? *rolls eyes* Then, finally, when Casey gets moved out, we'll redo his room, carpet and all.
I can't wait for all this stuff to be done so we can enjoy all the work we've put in this year. Hopefully, the recovery time won't be awful... we've both done a number on our backs and stuff. We are definitely getting TOO OLD for this stuff!!
Hang tight... more pix to come! :):
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