green with envy

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a whole new thang...

You know that infomercial about the extreme workout, P90X?  Well, the hubby has gotten on the band wagon.
He ran into a friend of ours from high school through his work.  He's on his second round of P90X now and he just kept singing its praises.  Seems he was in as bad a shape (his words, lol!) as Tommy before he started P90X and now?  Sheesh!  The guy is just ripped!  He's probably slimmer than he was in high school and he's got muscles all over the place.  It's amazing!
So, he gave us his P90X to look over & we are convinced.
We're gonna give it a whirl.  Yes, even me.  And no, I'd have NEVER thought about even attempting something like this if not for Tommy and Casey doing it too. (Yep, our son is going to do it too!)
So, in a few days we begin.  The 27th will be Day One when we start with the X Stretch routine.
Pray, people.  Pray!!  :)